The Unified Speech of Democracy

In 2023, Argentina commemorates a significant milestone: 40 years since the return of democracy, marking the longest democratic period in the country's history. This journey has witnessed moments of jubilation, adversity, crisis, and conflicts, which, fortunately, we have managed to overcome based on common values and within and the rules of democracy. These shared values are numerous and have shone in crucial events of our recent history, such as in 1983 when we regained democracy or when we overcame the challenges brought by the 2001 crisis, where the Argentine Dialogue played a key role. Also, when we celebrated another World Cup victory, we demonstrated the ability to come together, supporting a common cause beyond our political affiliations.

To better understand these consensuses and generate input aimed at promoting democratic dialogue, as part of the 'Project AI: Argentine Intelligence,' we used artificial intelligence tools to create a unified speech from all presidential inaugural addresses and speeches at the opening of legislative sessions of the last 40 years.

The following reportView report provides details on how this exercise was conducted, the glossary of analyzed topics, and the main themes that emerged from the unified speech.

Below, we present the unified speech and what the presidents said about each main theme. To view them, click on the highlighted words in the speech.

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Citizens of the Argentine Republic,

I address you today to discuss the issues that are fundamental to the developmentView more and progress of our country. All the presidents who preceded me have spoken about the need to improve the country's economyView more, the importance of maintaining economic stabilityView more and controlling inflation, and the need for a State that is present and promotes sustainable developmentView more and a just society. These are topics that remain relevant today.

In addition, we must remember the importance of educationView more, public health, and primary health care. Science, technology, and culture are crucial to the developmentView more of the country, and we must continue to invest in them.

Argentina's foreign policyView more is also an important issue. We must commit ourselves to multilateralism and the promotion of human rightsView more and work together with other nations to achieve our goals.

We must also recall the importance of the self-esteem of the Argentine people and the need for institutional reconstruction to achieve sustained economicView more growth with equity and social inclusion.

DemocracyView more and social justice are essential values that we must defend and promote. We must work to eradicate povertyView more and social exclusion and ensure access to educationView more, health, securityView more, and justice for all citizens.

It is important that we work to integrate the country into the region and the world, encouraging tradeView more and international cooperationView more. We must adapt to changes and not be afraid of the financial, productive, and monetary globalizationView more of the world.

In short, we must work together to improve the country's economyView more; foster equality and social justice; invest in educationView more, health, and culture; and commit ourselves to multilateralism and the promotion of human rightsView more.

If we work together, we can build a better and more prosperous Argentina for all. Thank you!

Quotes Organized by Main Themes

For each main theme emerging in the unified speech, we sought quotes from the original presidential speeches, based on the glossary of topics. If you want to learn more about how we compiled the glossary, check out this reportView report.

To explore the quotes from the speeches that encouraged this exercise, click on each of the main themes.

Quotes Organized by Presidents

For each main theme emerging in the unified speech, we sought quotes from the original presidential speeches, based on the glossary of topics. If you want to learn more about how we compiled the glossary, check out this reportView report.

To discover the quotes from the speeches that encouraged this exercise, click on each of the presidents.